
A little about me

Hi! I'm a Community Evangelist and a Developer who loves to work with Java, Android, MERN and cloud platforms like GCP and Azure. I love communities and I can proudly say that communities provided me with a path for my life. Currently I'm pursuing my under gard studies in Electronics and Communication Engineering from MBCET, Trivandrum.

While in my college, I had the amazing opportunity to be a lead of Developer Student Clubs at my campus, Dean @ School of AI Trivandrum, and much more amazing opportunities which holds me close to the community initiatives.

In my free time, I listen to my music playlists, teach or browse and learn something continuously over the internet.

I have experience working with the following

Programming Languages:MERN Stack, Java, C++, Android, Javascript, HTML/CSS

Frameworks / Libraries / Tools :React, Flutter, Matlab, Firebase, GCP, Azure

IDEs / Version Control Systems: Android Studio, VSCode, Eclipse, Git

Operating Systems: Windows, Ubuntu

App Development

Building applications using XML/Java & Flutter

Full Stack Web Development

Building web applications using React, Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB

Cloud Platforms

Deploying production ready applications on GCP and Azure

Chatbot Development

Building rich conversational bots that can be deployed on multiple platforms using Dialogflow/p>





Head of Communities Program @ work@tech

November 2020 - Present is a platform which aspires to change the path one takes to be an engineer. aim to provide a smart and guided learning experience and also help anyone and everyone prepare for tech interviews.


  • Initiated multiple chapters in colleges across India
  • Monitoring and Mentoring the leads and their teams
  • Implementing best practices for creating amazing communities
  • Teaching assistant for SDE Bootcamp

February 2019 - April 2020

DSC is a student community powered by Google Developers. DSC aims at up skilling students in new technologies and bridge the academic-industry skill gap. DSC MBCET has impacted over 1500 students across India.


  • Conducted meetups, workshops, bootcamps, and other similar events at MBCET.

Dean & Event Organizer @ School of AI, Trivandrum

September 2019 - Present

School of AI is an education movement of bringing all the AI enthusiast under a single hood and helping them with the proper resources and making this world a better place to live with AI.


  • Hosted community meetups, hackathons, webinars, online study groups and other similar events.

Instrucutor @ Udemy

October 2018 - Present

I have created and published three courses on the Udemy Platform which are being used by more than 7000 people across the world.


  • More than 30000 students enrolled to the course.
  • Comparitively higher course completion rate.

AI Research Intern

June 2019 - August 2019

CodeofDuty Innovations is a product based company working on AI.


  • Research and development of Strategy
  • Development of a new product
  • Conducting more study and adding more features